macs Sales & Profit
macs Sales & Profit
macs aggregates
macs Sales & Profit provides answers regarding questions in market and product strategy as well as sales pricing policy of your organisation.
In a matter of minutes, you will understand where the organisation earns it's money, highlight available capacities and bottlenecks respectively and how changes in sales prices effect customer behavior, etc.
The Sales & Profit module supports your organisation in the planning and analysis of current contributions margins and corrective actions by
- Determination of contribution margins at the customer level
- Determination of contribution margins at the SKU / product level
- Profitability analytics of all business units results
Share Responsibility
Many companies have decentralized responsibility assignments, i.e. for sales regions, profit centers, divisions, business units.
The Sales & Profit module delivers both the total cost as well as the cost of sales reporting structure.
- Responsibility for results
- Sales Responsibility
- Region responsibility

Many different views
Within the cost of sales approach indirect fixed overheads can be allocated to business segments in a stepped way considering profit accountability.
Production variances can be shown in the income statement in terms of material (from product costing module) and overhead variances (from module cost center accounting).
COS balancing is ensured by including all inventory adjustment, write-offs, revaluations, etc.
All is possible
- Contribution margin and profitability reports across all dimensions or levels of the sales/customer hierarchy and organisations
- Profit center results showing stepped allocation of fixed costs
- Profit and loss statements
- Revenue Management
- Cost Management
- Contribution Margins
- Profitability Results
- Profit center Results